Saturday, August 22, 2020
Italian Diminutives - Alterati Diminutivi
Italian Diminutives - Alterati Diminutivi In Italian, diminutives (alterati diminutivi) are a classification of modified words (alterati) in which the importance of the base word is constricted or decreased in some sense. Models incorporate sassolino (a rock), spiaggetta (little sea shore), tastierina (keypad), and visitina (short visit). Framing Diminutives With Suffixes Diminutives can be framed with the postfixes: - ino: mammaâ ⠻â mamminamother, momâ ⠻â mommy minestraâ ⠻â minestrinasoupâ ⠻â broth pensieroâ ⠻â pensierinothought, worryâ ⠻â small blessing, somewhat present ragazzoâ ⠻â ragazzinoboyâ ⠻â young kid, young man, kid belloâ ⠻â bellinobeautifulâ ⠻â cute difficileâ ⠻â difficilinodifficult, complicatedâ ⠻â minor trouble The addition - ino has two variations with an infix (interfisso) (component embedded between the base and the postfix): - (i)cino and - olino. Here are a few models: bastoneâ ⠻â bastoncinowalking stick, stick, staff, rodâ ⠻â stick, twig, switch libroâ ⠻â libric(c)inobookâ ⠻â booklet sassoâ ⠻â sassolinorock, boulderâ ⠻â small stone, rock topoâ ⠻â topolinomouse, ratâ ⠻â baby mouse freddoâ ⠻â freddolinocoldâ ⠻â brisk magroâ ⠻â magrolinothin, lean, thin, spareâ ⠻â skinny In communicated in Italian there are additionally avverbi alterati: prestoâ ⠻â prestinosoon, early, quicklyâ ⠻â somewhat rapidly tantoâ ⠻â tantinoso much, veryâ ⠻â a considerable measure tardiâ ⠻â tardinolateâ ⠻â barely late The changing postfix - ino is most as often as possible utilized with addition mixes: casaâ ⠻â casettaâ ⠻â casettina, gonnaâ ⠻â gonellaâ ⠻â gonnellina. - etto: bacioâ ⠻â bacettokissâ ⠻â little kiss, peck cameraâ ⠻â camerettabedroomâ ⠻â small room casaâ ⠻â casettahouseâ ⠻â cottage, little house lupoâ ⠻â lupettowolfâ ⠻â wolf whelp, fledgling scout bassoâ ⠻â bassettoshortâ ⠻â shrimp, small fry piccoloâ ⠻â piccolettosmallâ ⠻â shorty A mix of postfixes is normal: scarpaâ ⠻â scarpettaâ ⠻â scarpettinao, seccoâ ⠻â secchettoâ ⠻â secchettino. - ello: alberoâ ⠻â alberellotreeâ ⠻â sapling asinoâ ⠻â asinellodonkeyâ ⠻â little or youthful jackass paeseâ ⠻â paesellovillageâ ⠻â hamlet rondineâ ⠻â rondinellaswallowâ ⠻â baby swallow cattivoâ ⠻â cattivellobad, wickedâ ⠻â mischievous, shrewd poveroâ ⠻â poverellopoorâ ⠻â poor individual This addition has variations with the interfixes - (i)cello and - erello: campoâ ⠻â campicellofieldâ ⠻â small field informazioneâ ⠻â informazionecellainformationâ ⠻â small snippet of data fattoâ ⠻â fatterellofact, occasion, occurrenceâ ⠻â minor matter, account fuocoâ ⠻â f(u)ocherellofireâ ⠻â small fire Regularly there is a mix of postfixes: storiaâ ⠻â storiellaâ ⠻â storiellina, bucoâ ⠻â bucherelloâ ⠻â bucherellino. - uccio (has an insulting implication or, all the more normally, is a pet name): avvocatoâ ⠻â avvocatucciolawyerâ ⠻â shyster casaâ ⠻â casucciahouseâ ⠻â small comfortable house cavalloâ ⠻â cavallucciohorseâ ⠻â small horse, seahorse caldoâ ⠻â calduccioheatâ ⠻â warmth freddoâ ⠻â fredducciocoldâ ⠻â coldness, coolness A variation of - uccio is - uzzo: pietraâ ⠻â pietruzza. - icci(u)lo: astaâ ⠻â asticci(u)olapole (for vaulting), bar, lanceâ ⠻â small bar; the pole of a bolt or a pen festaâ ⠻â festicciolafeast, occasion, vacationâ ⠻â small party portoâ ⠻â porticcioloharborâ ⠻â small harbor Now and then likewise has a disparaging sense: donnaâ ⠻â donnicci(u)ola. - ucolo (has a derisive implication): donnaâ ⠻â donnucolawomanâ ⠻â silly lady maestroâ ⠻â maestrucoloteacherâ ⠻â ignorant, uncouth instructor poetaâ ⠻â poetucolopoetaâ ⠻â scribbler, rhymster - (u)olo: faccendaâ ⠻â faccenduolamatter, business, affairâ ⠻â small task montagnaâ ⠻â montagn(u)olamountainâ ⠻â mound poesiaâ ⠻â poesiolapoetryâ ⠻â limerick, a little sonnet Note additionally the alterazione with - olo, which happens for the most part in mix with another postfix: nomeâ ⠻â nomignolonameâ ⠻â nickname viaâ ⠻â viottolostreetâ ⠻â lane medicoâ ⠻â mediconzolo (pejorative connotation)doctorâ ⠻â quack For the addition - iciattolo see underneath. - otto: contadinoâ ⠻â contadinottofarmer, peasantâ ⠻â poorly taught comrade pienoâ ⠻â pienottofull, stuffed, overflowing withâ ⠻â pot-bellied giovaneâ ⠻â giovanottoyoungsterâ ⠻â young man, single guy ragazzoâ ⠻â ragazzottoboyâ ⠻â sturdy kid bassoâ ⠻â bassottolow, shortâ ⠻â squat Can indicate a youthful creature: aquilaâ ⠻â aquilottoeagleâ ⠻â eaglet lepreâ ⠻â leprottohareâ ⠻â baby rabbit passeroâ ⠻â passerottosparrowâ ⠻â young sparrow - acchiotto (can be a minor or affectionate nickname): lupoâ ⠻â lupacchiottowolfâ ⠻â wolf offspring orsoâ ⠻â orsacchiottobearâ ⠻â bear offspring, teddy bear volpeâ ⠻â volpacchiottofoxâ ⠻â fox offspring, wily individual furboâ ⠻â furbacchiottosly, crafty, keen, canny, cleverâ ⠻â cunning individual (wily old fox) - iciattolo (can be a minor or affectionate nickname): febbreâ ⠻â febbriciattolafeverâ ⠻â slight fever fiumeâ ⠻â fiumiciattoloriverâ ⠻â stream libroâ ⠻â libriciattolobookâ ⠻â small book mostroâ ⠻â mostriciattolomonsterâ ⠻â little beast
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